Friday, July 22, 2011

Composting & Recycling

Trying to be Green, Clean and organized

Ok so most people would recycle and compost if it were easy right… well make it easy.  I have some tips for staying organized, reducing clutter and trying to reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as I can.  First you need multiple trash cans and they should be conveniently placed, preferable right next to each other. If they are right next to each other there is no excuse not to.

If your interested in composting you should get a ceramic container and place it near the kitchen sink.  You can use anything but you don't want it air tight. It will not smell if there is oxygen. This bin gets dumped almost every day usually because its full but you can get away with dumping it every 2-3 days and there is no smell.

Aside from that I have three trash cans.  One is for trash. The second for plastic/glass/tins  and the third for paper.  You might be thinking well then I’m going have to dump all four things that is a lot of work. First of all you don’t have to dump them everyday. They won’t weigh as much since your separating everything. The paper bin won’t smell at all since its just paper so you only have to dump that one every few days or every week. Once you get organized its not bad and what little extra work seems more that worth while.

Almost half  (40%) of your trash is paper. Ordinarily most people toss magazines, newspapers, cardboard into the regular trash because its convenient. Your not going to run outside and toss the cardboard from a cereal box or granola box into the recycle bin every time.  I certainly did not. However when your standing right over both bins in your kitchen its easy.

Ways to reduce waste and save money.

Paper towel
Cut Down!  I have been trying to use rags and cloths as much as I can. Recycle ripped or worm tees into cleaning rags. Bathroom towels that are worm can be cut into smaller car wash rags. I’ve been trying to use paper towel less because its expensive and it adds up money wise and waste wise. I do use it occasionally but I make an effort to take the cardboard tubes from paper towel and toilet paper rolls and add them to the paper recycle bin.  At the end of the week I shred them and add them to my compost.

Plastic bags

I read a statistic somewhere (don’t ask me where I forget) It said 99% of plastic bags end up in the landfill.  Yeah that’s not good.  Now in a perfect world we would all use re useable cloth bags. Agreed but that’s not going to happen. You may use them already when you do a planned grocery shopping but there are often times throughout the week when you go out and forget them, leave them in another vehicle, or go into the store thinking I’m only going to get 1 thing.   Yeah like that’s going to happen. Its all about organization here. Have 1 collection area. Don’t throw them all over the house and make a mess. When that happens they often find their way to the trash can.  Get a bucket or a box and put one in the kitchen. I have a small coffee bucket behind my bar.  Every 2 weeks or every month or so I bag them up and drop them off to be recycled. You can use them for smaller bathroom trash cans or kitty litter or something, but I bet you will have a bunch to drop off.

Disposable Water bottles

Really Do I need to cover this one….
Go get yourself a filter and a reusable water bottle.
Why would you waste $20-$40 a month on water anyways?