Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Saving Electricity

There is a power strip (under 40 dollars) that gives you 8 outlets 2 always on and 6 with a wireless kill switch. There is also a kill switch on the power strip itself should you misplace the remote. It will save you approximately 50 dollars the first year. Not a huge difference but If you had 3 or 4 of these in your house it would add up. Its a more practical way to save rather than unplugging all your gadgets every time you leave the room. How much you save depends on what you have plugged in and if you remember to actually shut it off when your not using it. I put mine on the wall near the light switches it makes it easier to remember to shut it off and I won't lose the remote that way.

My example....

I usually watch TV in my bedroom and only in the living room every few days, so I plugged in the DVR cable box to the always on (can't miss my favorite shows) and the TV, DVD player, surround sound and electric fireplace to the switchable outlets so when I'm not using them it shuts the power off to those devices. It even gives you a holding station where you can just stick it to the wall and turning it on/off is as simple as flipping the lights when you leave the room. I won't bore you with numbers or science but some devices like a TV can use up to 30% of its energy just being plugged in on standby. In an office you could plug in the modem and router to the always on and connect the
computer, computer monitor, printer, other devices etc. to the on/off outlets. That is what I plan to do when I buy another one since I need the wireless signal for my laptop but the desktop rarely gets used. I'll admit its not practical for every room or every device in your house but given the fact that its only 40 bucks I think you should keep your eye out for a sale or hopefully the next time you need a power strip at least consider this one or one like it.  I think its great for offices and entertainment systems. I will be purchasing another 2 or 3 when I get the money. It seems like a good way to save without sacrificing comfort. I will not be unplugging my alarm clock when I leave for work. I'm not that crazy....yet   :)

There is a quick video in the link below.


I got mine at home depot but they have them anywhere and you can get them on e-bay for under 40 with shipping.

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